
Live Practise Sessions

Please contact me directly to learn more about when this course will be ready for release.

Price: £0
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Peter –UK, 2015

“If you suffer from any chronic pain condition this course is a must try. It is put together in perfect bite size chunks which are just the right length to hold your attention and really gets you thinking about your pain and how to manage it in a different way. Joey explains the different subjects and exercises in the course in a way that is really easy to understand and enjoyable to do. Since doing the course I am happier and managing my pain better and don’t reach for my pain medication as much as I used to.”

Lynne, UK, 2018

“Thanks so much, I am really learning a lot through this course through the videos and thank you for sharing the techniques that have and are helping you to build a brighter life while dealing with fibro”.

Jane Courtois 2019

Joey is very direct, and very explainable about NLP helping with your pain. Also, it is nice to hear about NLP with Fibromyalgia from someone who really has it like I do. this is amazing and some of it is very helpful for my pain. Thank you Joey and hope you make another class on Fibromyalgia soon! :)